I have fished with Alec yearly since he was a new guide working the Kenai River. I am fortunate to have fished with many guides on various rivers around the world. When I find a guide that is knowledgeable and enjoyable to fish with, I like to use their services solely. Alec is definitely one of the guides I schedule with as often as possible. His easy demeanor and knowledge of the Kenai make for repeated quality days on the river, no matter which group of friends I bring.

I have brought beginners that have never touched a fly rod to octogenarians to fishing experts and all have enjoyed their experiences with him. His knowledge of the fishing, wildlife, and local ecology make for an excellent day adrift.

He is very courteous to others on the river and also a conscientious caretaker, as we often clean up refuse left on the river by others. I could continue with stories of fishing with him, but you have important work to do. I believe that Alec Lamberson is exactly the type of guide/person you want working the Kenai Refuge Wildlife Area.


Keith N.